It’s crazy to think where the world was around this time back in 2020 to where we are now. I’ve stopped assuming it’ll get better and just only hope it won’t get worse.
Being a parent during the pandemic has had its own set of challenges. From online learning to canceled playdates to cautiously-prepared playdates, it’s been a rollercoaster. Keeping Bear focused and on task has been an even bigger challenge as well.
Not to mention with the social justice protests and an emphasis on making sure Bear knows both of his heritages (because Maks and I are the only ones who will be able to teach him), I’ve had more than a few people give their unneeded input. I had to politely tell them to STFU.
That being said, I’ve come up with 10 hard (and some are fun) lessons I’ve learned during this pandemic. I hope these might help you as well!
1. Constantly being adaptable.
Life is constantly changing and you honestly don’t know how any given day is going to go. You might wake up and think your day is going to be great, only for it to be completely shit. It happens to all of us. I’ve learned that you just need to roll with the punches. You just never know what’s going to happen.
2. Take a break from social media.
I often take small breaks from social media. A small break for me is somewhere between a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It’s not that I get depressed on seeing content, but rather, it’s just too much. And sometimes, I have to be honest with myself. Am I going to get angry about something and be in a full-blown rage? Or am I going to be annoyed by the same thing and forget about it in five minutes?
3. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
I cannot stress enough how important meditating has been for me. I do every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes. I need to decompress and relax, and sometimes, just get away! There is an amazing app I recommend called Stop, Breathe, and Think. And it’s absolutely FREE!
4. This is also your child’s first pandemic.
If it’s hard on parents, it’s equally hard on children. Bear is old enough to remember how life was before Covid and what he’s undergoing now. He’s still hopeful it’ll be over one day and I am, too. So, if your child acts up, it also might be because they’re stressed as well.
I have written about an amazing meditation app for children as well!
5. You’ll quickly become an expert at things you never thought you would be.
I learned how to do a lot of crafts and even started to make blankets. I wouldn’t say I have a lot of free time but I will say my time is still very scarce, if more so. It’s also a great time to reconnect with your friends and family to see if they have any other hobbies they can share as well.
Not to mention, you’ll be an expert on Zoom meetings and the like. You never cooked a day in your life, you might discover a new passion for cooking. You never know until you try!
6. Spending more time with your child is priceless.
Bear loves to watch Ukrainian music videos with me and Maks. I introduced him to various superheroes and he’s a fan of Captain America and Black Panther. We also read all the time and he has favorite books. I constantly ask Bear how his day at school was and something new he learned that day. We often go for ice cream, just the two of us.
These are moments you won’t get back so take advantage of them!
7. Get outside and be smart about it!
I try to take Bear to the park at least once a week just so he can get out of the house and away from his tablet. We usually wear our masks the entire time, but it’s also nice to be maskless in some great fresh air. We definitely take advantage of it. (It’s also a great source of Vitamin D!)
8. Let your child become their own person.
Bear has become more independent during this pandemic (he was already a pretty independent child) and he even has his own YouTube channel and just created his first Twitch stream. He has a lot of online friends he talks to (we have talked to him about the dangers of sharing too much information) and he’s a budding entrepreneur. I’m very happy in his development and love to see the growth.
9. It’s okay to not be okay.
2020 was a hard year and 2021 wasn’t that much better. I also had my own struggles with mental health between the pandemic and Black Lives Matter-related cases. But I also recognize my struggles and try to become a better person and parent because of it. Life is too short to fake happiness when there is just so much crap going on. But if you feel things are getting beyond your control, please seek therapy.
10. Become more appreciative of life.
It’s easy to complain where you are in life – you don’t have the income you wanted, the neighborhood you desired to live in, the career you wanted. And that’s okay. Sometimes, I look back at things and wish I was a bit more productive in areas I should’ve been.
And you know what? It makes me only want to work smarter.
The past two years have taught me nothing is guaranteed and I don’t ever want to have a good enough attitude about anything anymore. If I have the power to change it, I will.